With all the insurance companies out there offering cheap coverage, some drivers may wonder why people pay more. In reality, insurance is oftentimes one of the products where you get exactly what you pay for. Low cost insurance carriers oftentimes offer very lacking coverage and specialize in covering drivers who cannot get an insurance policy from one of the better companies. If you have one of these cheap insurance policies, consider what you might be able to do by paying a little bit more for a real insurance policy. It will likely pay off if you are in an accident.
1. Collision
If you have the Texas state minimum coverage, you’re only covered for liability. This means that your insurance policy will pay the other driver if you happen to run into someone’s car and it’s your fault. Your car, however, may well end up in your front yard without you having any way to fix the damage. Collision coverage ensures that your car is covered as well. It is one of the more expensive add-ons for your policy, but it is much cheaper than trying to find a new car.
2. Comprehensive
This is, by far, the most expensive type of insurance to carry. Comprehensive coverage means it covers just about anything under the sun. The specifics will vary according to your policy, but if you rely on your car to get to and from work and you would be lost without it this is the type of coverage you want.
3. Theft
If your car gets stolen and you don’t carry specific coverage against theft, you are simply without a car. The odds that the police will be able to find your car are very slim. If they do find your car, don’t be surprised if it’s wrapped around a telephone pole or otherwise destroyed. Carrying insurance against theft is a very good idea, particularly if you live in a large city.
If you’re in a wreck and your insurance company refuses to pay a bill that they should cover, contact a motor vehicle accident lawyer. A car accident lawyer will be able to deal with the insurance company for you and make sure that they live up to any obligations that they might have. If they don’t, there’s always the possibility of filing a claim against them and taking them to court for the money. This also applies to the other driver, if they happen to have been negligent.