Hunting for insurance is no small task. You have to make certain that you’re getting all of the different coverage types you need, particularly if you have a new or expensive vehicle. If you are a younger driver, this can sometimes be difficult as insurance rates will be much higher for you. Finding a good insurance company that is willing to reward you for driving safely, however, is a good way to bring those rates down a bit.
In Texas, you need a minimum amount of liability insurance. Remember that liability insurance only covers the damages that you do to other people’s vehicles and the medical expenses you cost them. It’s not going to help you replace your own vehicle if it’s destroyed, and you may want to take this into account if, like most people, you’re dependent upon your vehicle to get to and from work.
This is what you need to replace your vehicle if it’s destroyed in an accident. This covers damage to your car, and your insurance policy can be written so that it covers you whether or not it’s your fault. This adds a bit of money to your monthly bill but it’s well worth it to have this coverage. The more expensive the vehicle you drive, the higher the amount of money you will pay every month for collision. If you have been in accidents already, this premium will also go up.
Comprehensive covers everything else. It covers things like having a tree branch break and fall through your windshield, having someone vandalize your car or having other issues that aren’t covered by liability and collision insurance. These policies can also be written so that they cover theft and loss. If you have a vehicle that you depend on and you have enough money to cover the monthly premiums for this type of coverage, which can be quite high, you may want to consider getting it.
Contact a car accident attorney if you have problems dealing with your insurance agency. A lawyer may be able to help you get claims paid if they are justly owed to you or, if you are injured or have your property destroyed by another driver, they may be able to put a lawsuit together for you so that you can seek a jury award in court or settlement out of court if it is offered.