If you get into a wreck involving a commercial vehicle, the situation can be much different than it would be if you got into a wreck with a private citizen. These vehicles are generally owned by companies that have quite a bit of money so you can count on a few things:
- They can afford a lawyer
- They probably have enough money to fight you in court
- They may not want to pay out a thing because of the above
Taking on any company can be challenging. You’ll likely be at enough of a disadvantage that you may consider just taking a check, if they offer one, and letting the whole thing go. Before you do, consider the following.
They Have Responsibilities
Trucking companies have responsibilities to everyone on the road. They come in the form of a great many safety regulations that they are required to follow. When they fail to follow these regulations, they may be vulnerable to being sued for negligence. Negligence means that they did not do what they could have been reasonably been expected to have done or that they failed to take a reasonable action that could of spared someone from coming to harm.
They Have Legal Obligations
There are laws that are specific to trucking companies, particularly where providing their employees adequate time to rest is concerned. Trucking companies, unfortunately, frequently fail to live up to these obligations. A shocking number of truckers report driving when they’re exhausted and even falling asleep behind the wheel. These irresponsible companies should be held accountable when they violate the laws that apply to how they conduct their business, particularly when they injure someone as a result.
You Have Rights
You should consider contacting an accident attorney if you’re harmed as a result of the negligence of a trucking company or other commercial transport company. You do have the right to expect that they’re following the laws that apply to them and that they’re not putting you in danger. An auto accident attorney will be able to determine if it’s likely that you’d win a lawsuit against the company that injured you and, if so, if the attorney wants to represent you in that claim. Ask them about working on contingency. The attorney doesn’t get paid unless they win under these agreements, which gives you the same freedom to pursue your lawsuit that the trucking company has to defend against it as far as finances go.