You’re probably well aware of personal injury attorneys, but these attorneys handle more types of claims than most people likely think. They handle claims that center on negligence, which is what makes it possible to get damages from someone who may have caused you an injury or other hardship. The types of claims that these attorneys handle are varied enough, however, that it bears some explanation.
Car Accidents
Personal injury attorneys handle a lot of car crash claims. This is, quite simply, because car crashes are among the leading causes of deaths and injuries in the United States. It’s also because a lot of drivers out there are negligent either habitually or occasionally and end up hurting someone because of that.
Some of the claims that these attorneys handle don’t involve the average driver. Commercial driving companies cause injuries and deaths, as well, and oftentimes in horrific ways due to various forms of negligence. They may not maintain their equipment property, not train their drivers properly or knowingly send drivers out on the road with defective equipment. Some of them work their drivers so hard that the drivers themselves end up posing a hazard to other people on the highways.
Pedestrian Accidents
Dallas personal injury attorneys can help you if you were injured by a driver when you weren’t behind the wheel of another car. Pedestrians oftentimes end up getting hurt or killed by negligent drivers and attorneys do represent them.
Negligence in cases where pedestrians are involved can most certainly be deadly. Even at a slow speed, the mass of a vehicle can be enough to kill someone if the driver fails to yield the right of way or takes other negligent actions.
Drunk Drivers
Drunk drivers are also sometimes sued because of the damage, injuries and deaths that they cause. Whether or not they’re facing criminal charges makes no difference in regards to whether or not you can file a lawsuit against them. These drivers are possibly the most negligent of all. Given the amount of public information that’s been disseminated about drunk driving, it’s hard to believe that some people behave as if they don’t know better.
When you’re out on the roads, be aware that there are drivers out there who go far beyond rude or aggressive in their behavior. The best possible situation is one where you don’t get injured at all but, if you do, contact a lawyer.