Many a car accident involves one or more young drivers. Because young drivers do cause a high percentage of the accidents that happen every year, the scales can be tipped against them very easily. There are many cases, however, when young drivers follow the rules and do everything expected of them and are hit by other drivers who are, in fact, those who are being negligent. Young people need to have representation in these cases, as do their parents and it starts with making sure that they don’t get themselves into even more trouble.
When an accident happens, the second call you make, after the police and ambulance should be to your car wreck attorney. Your kids need to know this, too, and need to understand who not to call and who not to talk to about the accident. There may well be calls made to the driver’s cell by the other party’s insurance company, your own insurance company or the other party’s lawyers. Young people have to understand that talking to the lawyer, and the lawyer alone, is the only sensible course of action. The lawyer can deal with the insurance company.
The other driver may well be a problem, as well. One of the advantages of a a vehicle accident attorney is their ability to represent their clients with great passion, but with an entirely logical and objective mindset. Young people, of course, oftentimes lack this type of control and may be goaded into admitting fault or making other statements to the other driver. This may come back to haunt your child and your family and, of course, it may end up costing a lot of money. Put your lawyer’s number in the glove box and let your young drivers know that it is there.
Young people can be every bit as responsible and skilled at driving as can adults. To make sure that they have all the protections afforded to an adult driver, however, they need to understand how a vehicle accident lawyer protects them, and when they need that protection. These lawyers can make sure that any driver, no matter how young or old, gets a fair day in court and that you and your family are paid any money due. They also make sure that you and your family aren’t persuaded to say the wrong things or to make bad decisions.
2525 McKinnon Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
CALL US AT 1-877-331-4156