FREE Car Accident Legal Information Book

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Get this FREE book, The Legal Insider’s Guide Series: Biggest Mistakes Drivers Make After an Accident, BEFORE you make any MISTAKES that can wreck your CASE.
Jeff Rasansky represents drivers and their families in Texas in claims and lawsuits stemming from vehicle accidents, including car accidents, truck wrecks, bike accidents, and bus accidents. Nationally recognized his peers, Jeff advocates tirelessly for those that have been injured or lost loved ones as a result of a vehicle accident. Located in Dallas, Texas, Jeff is a premier vehicle accident attorney. Nationwide, his clients recognize his talents and praise his outstanding work.
Inside his FREE book, The Insider’s Legal Guide: Biggest Mistakes Drivers Make After an Accident, Dallas personal injury attorney Jeffrey Rasansky explains the mistakes that drivers frequently make after an accident.
You will find valuable information about:
- Tips and tricks for dealing with the insurance company Texas driving statistics
- Insurance claims “do’s” and “don’ts”
- Common insurance tactics
- Mistakes that can wreck your car accident case
- When to hire a lawyer
And much, much more!
- Learn why the insurance companies hate this book and don’t want you to have it before you return their call.
- Learn whether you need to give a recorded statement.
- Learn whether you need to sign a medical records authorization or release your medical records.
- Learn whether there is a standard formula to determine what your case is worth.
- Learn all of this information BEFORE you make ANY MISTAKES that can WRECK YOUR CASE.