There are some car accidents that are much more common than others and, because of that, car wreck attorneys will generally see a lot of these. Understanding how they happen and some of the basics about them can help you to understand why filing a lawsuit may be in order.
Failing to Yield
This is a very common cause where car wrecks are concerned. When someone fails to give up the right away and they end up causing an accident, they may be liable for negligence. When you’re on the road, you have a reasonable right to expect that other drivers will understand and follow traffic law.
Bad Lane Changes
Drivers that fail to check the lane next to them by turning their head oftentimes sideswipe vehicles and cause accidents. Even if you have extra mirrors, there usually is a blind spot on your vehicle. The best way to remember to look is just to assume that the “mirrors always say ‘No.'”, as they teach it in driving schools. You have every reason to believe that the other drivers on the road will check their mirrors before changing lanes.
Cell Phones
Believe it or not, people even cause wrecks these days because they’re texting and driving, as if talking with the phone up to your ear wasn’t enough! Watch out for anyone on their cell phone. Give them plenty of room. Just go ahead and assume that they don’t see you: you’re probably right.
Distracted Drivers
Cell phone users are a type of distracted driver, but they’re easy to spot. Most distracted drivers aren’t. Watch out for drivers that are glancing at the seat next to or behind them, who are playing with their radios or who don’t seem to be noticing much of anything. With experience, you’ll start to notice when someone is distracted and you’ll learn to avoid them.
DWIs, of course, are major cases of fatalities, injuries and property damage. Drunk drivers are pretty easy to spot most of the time, but if they’re just over the limit they may drive fairly well and end up surprising you when they do something completely unexpected. Watch out for people making sudden stops and starts, swerving and exhibiting other signs of being drunk behind the wheel.
If a negligent driver causes a car wreck and you’re hurt, call a motor vehicle accident lawyer. A Dallas car accident attorney can help you determine if you should sue.
Dallas car accident attorney