The most recent statistics from the TxDOT show that Dallas, in terms of driving, can be a very dangerous place to live.
In 2011, the most recent year for which statistics have been compiled so far, there were 110 fatalities on the roads in Dallas. That’s more than 100 people who lost their lives on the roads. Serious injuries occurred at much higher rates, with more than 3,300 serious injury crashes during 2011. Thankfully, the fact that trauma centers are so adept at keeping people alive is part of the reason why so many people live compared to how many die, but those injured parties oftentimes suffer grievously due to their injuries.
City Hazards
Dallas is, of course, a very large city and that means that there are some real hazards involved whenever you get out on the roads. The roads tend to be very packed at times, and that can make it hard to keep aware of what the other drivers around you are doing. When those other drivers behave in ways that are contrary to traffic regulations or outright negligent, things become even more hazardous. The fact that a negligent driver may be behind you, alongside you or in front of you at any time when you’re on the road is good reason to be worried.
Heavy traffic also means that people are oftentimes in a rush to get wherever they’re going. Because of this, they may drive erratically, end up speeding through intersections against the lights or tailgate so closely that a rear-end accident is almost a given. Sometimes, the accidents these people cause don’t end up causing injuries—there were nearly 12,000 such incidents in 2011—but they still can end up causing enough property damage to put someone in a very bad situation as far as getting to work, school and running errands are concerned.
Getting Help
A Dallas car crash lawyer may be able to help you if one of Dallas’s negligent drivers has caused you to suffer financially or physically. Those statistics show that people are in very real danger when they’re out on the Dallas roadways. Because of that, there is tremendous economic damage done every year due to car crashes. If someone put you out of work, destroyed your vehicle or caused you physical injury out of their own negligence, consider contacting an attorney about the matter and exploring the possibility of a lawsuit.