One of the myths about auto insurance that you should make an effort to divorce yourself of is the one that holds that the lowest rates are the best. You should be trying to get your insurance rates down, but you don’t necessarily want to use those savings to cut the amount you pay for insurance every month. If you reapply your savings to different types of coverage, you can vastly reduce the risk you take every time you get on the road.
Reducing Liability
Most insurance companies will give you discounts for going a long time without an accident. This is a great way to save money, but there is obviously a bit of luck involved. By driving the speed limit and generally following the rules they taught you when you first learned to drive, however, you can increase your chances of avoiding a crash.
You can also take a defensive driving course to reduce your insurance rates. If you ride a motorcycle, taking a motorcyclist’s training course given by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation or other, similar groups, can get your insurance rates down to almost nothing for your motorcycle and reapply what you pay to increased medical coverage or coverage against theft. The same applies to your auto insurance.
The area where you live will impact how much you pay for insurance. The DFW area is very large and urban, so rates will be higher because of the increased risk. If you feel like your insurance company isn’t doing much for you in the way of providing you with discounts for being a safe driver, however, you may want to shop around a bit. There are some cases where insurance companies will compete rather vigorously for your business, and you can use this to your advantage if you’re a safe driver.
If you have to deal with an insurance company following and accident, you may want to go through an accident attorney. They can help if your insurance company isn’t paying you compensation when they should. A lawyer can also help you if you end up in a situation where you’ve been hit or injured by a negligent driver, even if that driver wasn’t carrying liability insurance. Talk to one of these professionals if you’ve been injured and aren’t getting the compensation you should be getting.