Being involved in a car wreck while you’re on a bicycle is one of the most dangerous things that can happen. You can easily end up underneath the vehicle, which is going to cause serious injury, if you’re lucky enough to survive it at all! You may also find yourself in a situation where you end up seriously injured because of having been knocked off of your bike onto the pavement or because of having ended up on the hood of the vehicle. There are some common ways that these wrecks happen that you should always be on the lookout for.
They Don’t See You
Because bicycles tend to hug the right side of the road and are very small, some drivers don’t even see them. There are also drivers that will look right at you without acknowledging that you’re there because they’re looking for cars, not for bicycles. Either of these drivers is being negligent. You’re a vehicle when you’re on a bicycle, so they have to give you the same right to the road that they give cars.
There are drivers out there who get very frustrated with bicyclists and who would rather push them off the road than accommodate them. This is also a form of negligence. They have no right to force you off the road because you’re going slow. There are even drivers that will get on designated bike roads with lower speed limits and start speeding around bicyclists. These are the types of drivers that are opening themselves up to lawsuits if they hurt someone one the road when they’re driving this way.
Some drivers tend to be very distracted on the roads. When they’re in this state of mind, it’s impossible for them to pay full attention to what’s going on around them. Because bicycles are smaller vehicles, anyway, they’re very likely to fail to see them and to cause wrecks. This is another form of negligence.
Negligence is not something you have to take off of other drivers. A good car accident attorney can represent you against a negligent driver, whether you were on a bike or in another car when you crossed their path. Find a car accident lawyer that can help you put together a lawsuit and you might end up getting substantial compensation for your pain and suffering, as well as for any loss of property and medical bills you sustained.