Another update from WFAA yesterday evening reveals more about Dylyn Richards who was arrested earlier in the week for intoxication manslaughter causing the death of a peace officer. Richards had been behind the wheel of the speeding Suburban that slammed into Waxahachie Police Officer Josh Williams’ squad car Saturday morning. More details have emerged about the case that point out the extent of Richards’ drinking that night and his lengthy history with drinking and driving.

Dylyn Richards, WFAA
The arrest warrant shows that officers could literally smell the alcohol on Richards when they opened the door to his ambulance. His blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit the night he killed Josh Williams. Richards, only 24 years old, has a long history of drunk driving. His first DWI was in April of 2009 before he was even 21 years old. He was on probation for two years, but violated that probation. His next arrest was in June 2011 when he was found drunk on the side of the road. Less than a year later in March 2012, he was jailed in Ellis County for about two months. He got out May 9th of this year.
In light of all the press, Richards’ family had sent out a short release earlier. The Richards’ family is hurting as well, and has respectfully reached out to the community. Richards’ father, Stephen Richards, made further comments to WFAA. He told reporters that “his son had thrown his life away.” The one thing that both Richards and Williams had in common was that they both have three children. The Richards’ family release stated, “We are very sorry for the loss of Officer Williams and the pain this has caused his family and fellow Officers. This is a tragic situation for everyone involved. Our prayers will be with the family.”
One of the many tragic aspects of this accident is how many families and communities have been forever changed by the loss of Officer Williams and the charges Richards’ will face.