The North Texas Toll Authority is lowering “Wrong Way” signs on the Dallas North Tollway in an attempt to prevent head on collisions.
There have been 30 wrong way crashes on North Texas tollways since 2006, and according to NTTA – all 30 involved alcohol. Drunk driving accidents are tragically common in DFW (one reason Jeff is partnered with MADD), and this new initiative from NTTA hopes to lower these occurrences. Their research has shown that impaired drivers tend to have a narrow field of vision that focuses on the road (in part to ensure they stay within the lane lines). By lowering “Wrong Way” and “Do Not Enter” signs from 7 feet to 2 feet, NTTA hopes the guideposts will be more visible to drunk drivers and prevent head on collisions.
We applaud NTTA’s efforts. While prevention is the best form of drunk driving protection, we don’t have the ability to control every person and head off their poor decisions. The second best option, while we work on prevention techniques, is to restrain the consequences of impaired driving. This new experiment from NTTA falls into the latter category.
Thanks for doing your part to protect North Texans, NTTA! Drive safely, Dallas.