Crashed Pickup on Loop 820, WFAA Photo
This morning and yesterday afternoon where marked with two fatal single-car accidents on Texan highways. The first was yesterday morning where a red pick-up truck going south on Loop 820 went out of control and careened through the guardrail, over the median and crashed upside down in the eastbound lanes. The roof of the car was crushed and the 55-year-old driver died at the scene.
Investigators have not said anything about what caused driver to lose complete control over the vehicle. Police and responders closed all but one lane of the highway. The back-up went on for at least five-miles while emergency crews processed the scene. In situations where a car vaults over the median there are often two or more cars involved in the accident. It’s pure luck that more cars were not involved in this accident.

Engulfed 18-Wheeler, FOX Photo
Many of the same things could be said for another bizarre morning accident that occurred this morning in Ellis County near Highway 34. A 18-wheeler hauling sand was driving normally down the highway when investigators suspect the driver had some kind of medical emergency. Suddenly, the truck drove off the road and into a nearby pond. The truck hit a stock tank and was almost completely submerged in the water. The driver was found dead inside the cab when the police arrived.