Folks across the nation are rattling their brains trying to find the next idea that’s going to get people to think twice before drinking and driving. Bars in west Michigan have a whole new take on the situation. Some bars in Michigan will have a talking target-shaped circle at the bottom of the urinal. The so called “urinal-deodorizer cake” has “call a ride” and “get home safe” written on it. The written reminder isn’t what really has people going. When activated by motion, the deodorizer actually speaks to you with expressive phrases that start off with – “That’s right I’m talking to you!”
Many bar owners support the new gadget and the urinal-deodorizer cakes have been sold to about 200 businesses in Michigan already. You might be wondering, why urinals and not something that can be put into the women’s room as well? Specific data from Michigan shows that in the frosty northern state men are three times more likely to drive drunk than women are. For that reason, Michigan is zeroing in on their most at risk population. Let’s face it, only a drunken man would take advice from a talking urinal.
Reports show that if anyone is offended, they’re not talking. One bar owner told new sources that if anything, men come out of the bathroom laughing. Giggles aside, let’s hope this unique approach has a positive effect in Michigan and keeps drunk drivers off the roads.