Avoiding Big Rig Crashes
The Dallas based Rasansky Law Firm handles these kinds of cases and would be happy to evaluate your case free of charge. Contact us at (877) 331-4156 or visit jrlawfirm.com
Truck, 18-Wheeler & Commercial Vehicle Accidents, Crashes & Wrecks
The Dallas based Rasansky Law Firm handles these kinds of cases and would be happy to evaluate your case free of charge. Contact us at (877) 331-4156 or visit jrlawfirm.com
If you’ve been in a big rig crash, you should explore whether or not you have options for a legal remedy. There are lawyers that specialize in dealing with these wrecks, and they have the expertise necessary to take on the trucking companies, no matter how large or powerful they happen to be.
Watching big rigs roll down the road can be thrilling. They’re massive, powerful vehicles that drive a lot of America’s economy, as much as they drive goods from place to place. It is a bit romantic, for certain, and there is a rather disturbing underbelly to all of this. A lot of those rigs you see rolling down the road are driven by operators who are overtired, overworked and not as qualified as they should be. Some of the rigs they’re driving are not up to safety standards and pose real threats to life and limb. Sometimes, a big rig collision results.
Where vehicle wrecks are concerned, semi crashes can be a bit more complex than the usual case. Trucking companies are required to obey certain rules and regulations. After a big rig crash, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is whether or not the trucking company allowed its drivers adequate rest, maintained their equipment or gave their employees adequate training. This is exactly what the lawyers who specialize in this field wonder about, however, and they may be your best bet for recovering damages for your pain and suffering and injuries.
Sometimes, being on the road means putting your life in your hands. If you don’t believe this, ask anyone who has been in a big rig crash. These are some of the most terrifying types of accidents to be in. A semi, loaded or unloaded, is many times the weight of a car.
There are plenty of romantic songs in the world about truck drivers. In reality, these hard-working men and women do make much of modern society possible. However, there are those who tend to disparage the image of the profession on the whole.
The companies that run big rigs up and down the interstates are responsible for what they do and for the vehicles they operate. When they’re irresponsible, horrible accidents can happen,
Being in a car wreck is certainly bad enough in its own right. Being in a big rig crash is markedly worse. Unless the truck happened to hit you at a very low speed, you can be sure that your car is going to be totaled.
Whenever there’s any type of big rig crash, there is more than one type of complexity involved. These vehicles are covered by a complex group of federal and state regulations.[…]
Questions about your legal options? Call us today at 1-877-331-4156 (toll-free) or fill out this contact form for a free and confidential consultation.