Most of the men and women who drive semi trucks are excellent drivers, very professional and take safety very seriously. There are careless semi truck drivers out there, however and you need to make certain that you keep an eye out for them. Oftentimes, you can identify them by their behaviors and, if you see a dangerous trucker coming your way, you’ll want to make very certain that you stay out of theirs.
Accidents involving semi trucks at exit ramps and entry ramps are quite common. Semi truck drivers obviously need quite a bit of room before they can enter or exit a freeway. The best drivers out there will set up their entry or exit long before they actually need to make it and will exit smoothly, along with the other traffic. If you see a semi truck driver who appears to be racing you when you’re trying to merge onto a freeway or a semi truck driver who is endangering other drivers by trying to get into an exit lane to aggressively, stay out of their way. It may be frustrating, but there is absolutely no way that you can win a contest with a semi when you’re driving a passenger car.
Setting up a pass with a semi takes a long time. The driver needs to make certain that they have adequate time to make the pass, to reenter their lane of travel and to accelerate before they actually start making the pass.
If a semi driver is being extremely aggressive when they’re trying to pass you on a two-lane highway, it’s a good idea to slow down and let them get by. Even moving over a little to the right, if possible, can speed this situation up and minimize your risk.
Truck drivers are supposed to adhere to a schedule that allows them adequate time to rest, get away from their vehicles and recharge before they’re out on the road. Some of the most careless semi truck drivers out there drive at the point of exhaustion, under the influence of drugs and without proper certification for the loads that they’re carrying.
If a trucker causes an accident that ends up getting you injured or taking the life of someone you love, be sure to speak with an attorney about the matter. There is a chance that you could file a lawsuit to get compensation for the injuries, expenses and pain and suffering you been put through.